
Trafó is an institution, a building, a space, a medium, an intellectual adventure, a risk and a possibility. It is a house that belongs to the contemporary arts; a place where life is about dance, theatre, visual arts, literature, music and new circus; a theatre without a company, where the viewer is equal with the created opportunity. Trafó is a place where emotion is allowed more space than usual alongside abstraction, a place through which we can look out into the world and a place through which the world can look into Hungary.

Workshop Foundation has been promoting and developing contemporary performing arts for 18 years. Artistic and geographical crossovers and cooperations have become priorities in the Foundation’s educational and professional programmes, in order to encourage the development of multidisciplinary works. As a member of several leading international networks (Jardin d’Europe, Aerowaves, Media and Dance, Pépinieres européennes pour jeunes artistes, DEPARTS, etc.), its activity and programmes reach beyond the borders of Hungary, focus on deepening ways of artistic thinking and opportunities, and - regardless of nationality - facilitate  creative circumstances.


Szabó György
project leader

Talló Gergely
project leader

Barda Beáta

Molnárné Kuskó Szilvia
financial director

Böröcz Judit
+36 20 400 6059

Vidovszky Emma
coordinator of registration
+36 70 378 2127
+36 20 400 6060

Erdődi Katalin
program coordinator 
professional program, club

Csóka Tímea
PR and Press Release
web / publication coordinator
+36 30 366 9852

Vida Zoltán
technical coordinator

Bernard Adams

Váradi Beáta
graphic designer

Kiskéri Lajos
web programmer 

Special thanks to our volunteers:

Andrási Valéria
Ádám Andrea 
Balázs Tamás
Czár Krisztina
Dávid Nikolett
Eredics Lilla
Hidvégi Fanny
Hunyor Emese
Kiss Veronika
Kollányi Fruzsina
Lengyel Vanda
Makara Eszter
Mészáros József
Monojlovits Eszter
Nádor Anna
Nagy Eszter
Nagy Gyöngyvér
Nagyová Terézia
Tultz Erika
Varga Szilvia