A vendégkönyvet lezártuk. Kérjük, keressen bennünket egyéb elérhetőségeinken!
Eddigi hozzászólások
dunaPart team | 2010.12.20. 16:33:26 |
Dear Alwin, DunaPart was created in order to present Hungarian work to foreign programmers, festival directors to serve as a means to connecting these presenters with local artist and facilitate touring opportunities. Although dunaPart does provide an opportunity for the local audience to see recent work it is not an international festival. We hope this answers your question. Best regards, the dunaPart team | |
Alwin Prayoga | 2010.12.17. 18:40:36 |
why only hungarian who can participate in this event, I have a theater group and I am very interested and wanted to participate. me whether I can participate from Indonesia ?? My Blog : www.cassanovateater.blogspot.com | |